Learn more about our project
According to Halabisky (2012), the population is ageing in the European Union – the proportion of people over age 55
was 30% in 2010 and is expected to be approximately 37% by 2030. Inactivity in older age groups increases the strains
on social security and pension systems. However, few older people are involved in entrepreneurship and their enterprises tend to be less growth-oriented than firms of younger entrepreneurs.
The ENTRUST project seeks to promote the role of older people in entrepreneurship especially in the
sustainable tourism sector.
The project is intended for VET providers and trainers, social educators, trainers and animators. ENTRUST supports people returning to employment or self-employment. Priority will be given to:
- Adult people 50+, whether graduates or not, with or without training, and who are unemployed or underemployed
- Job seekers from urban areas that want to try new life experiences in rural areas
- Job seekers in rural areas.
The potential stakeholders of the project will be Vocational Training Centers, Companies, Community Centers, Social and collective Associations, Professional Associations, Tourist Routes, Tourism Schools, Local Development Associations, Regional and local authorities and Local Creative Industries.
By achieving its aim, the ENTRUST project will be a huge step towards a more ambitious fostering of entrepreneurial mindsets and innovation and business creation, improving the economic situation of unemployed people. Creating their own job opportunities, based on traditional occupations/crafts at risk of disappearing, cultural heritages, authentic rural activities through intergenerational learning, these targeted people will develop a more positive personal situation in sustainable rural areas.

Establish a Blended Training Curriculum
Address challenges senior adults face in transforming their situation in small sustainable business models, towards social sustainability in low population territories.
Create the ENTRUST Course
A practical course to develop the
capacities of adult educators & trainers which will cater for the needs of learners from diverse social backgrounds.
Provide a Learning Platform
Provide senior adults with an interactive learning platform containing all training material developed by ENTRUST.
Create Guidelines for the ENTRUST Pack
Create and deliver guidelines for the use of the ENTRUST pack for VET providers.
This project 2021-1-IE01-KA220-VET-000025414 has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.